At the time I was first diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, I knew that I was not yet ready to start a family. With my health being less than optimal, it was obvious to …
How to Succeed on a Thyroid-Friendly Diet
As the new year begins, many of my readers will start focusing on their New Year’s resolution. Often times, they vow to themselves that they will practice …
New Year, New Plans to Optimize Thyroid Health
I love this time of year… the holidays are an amazing opportunity to slow down and relax with family, as well as reflect on the past and future. Plus, the new …
The Power of Nutrition: Using Food Pharmacology to Heal Hashimoto’s
Over the last several years since I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, I have discovered many strategies to eliminate my symptoms and eventually put my thyroid …
Why Essential Fatty Acids Are Essential for Hashimoto’s
As the winter months are coming upon us, I want to be sure you are prepared for any thyroid changes that come with the cold. Some people swear by increasing …