There’s something so majestic about flying…Maybe it’s the fact that you’re 30,000 feet up high with the clouds brimming past you, the sun is shining through them (sometimes), and you’re gliding through the air seamlessly…it’s like this gentle tranquility, beckoning you to dream big.
I spent the past year traveling…a lot! I had ample amounts of time to see those pretty clouds from my tiny plane window which gave me time to dream. I met new faces and discovered new places. It was a year I will never forget.
As I write, I can’t help but smile to myself as I reflect on the conversations I had…because my travels weren’t just to dream and see many of these great states (though it was quite fun!).
I traveled with a mission that literally makes me jump out of bed in the morning.
But the mission to raise awareness for thyroid disease isn’t just a passing fad for me. It’s something so personal, so deeply ingrained in my heart that I literally can’t keep quiet about what I’ve learned over the past seven years since my autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashimoto’s) diagnosis and recovery. 🙂
Every dream starts as an idea…an inkling in your mind and you think, “Now that would be a dream come true.”
This past year, a huge dream did come true. Putting together The Thyroid Secret documentary series is one of my biggest dreams coming to fruition because I know it will reach so many people with the truth about thyroid disease.
Millions of people simply have no idea that they can recover their health from this debilitating condition, and I hope with every part of my being that this film impacts lives in ways I can’t even begin to fathom!
So why did I travel so much? Great question. I spent time with over 100 thyroid experts who help people overcome thyroid disease and over 50 thyroid patients who have made great strides in their health journeys to bring you a series unlike anything on the market today.
I asked tough, burning questions that all of us want to know, and the experts shared information you will not find anywhere else. Each doctor, medical practitioner, and speaker met—and exceeded—my expectations, and I wanted to spend a few moments today sharing what we discussed and why these interviews are going to cause quite a splash in the conventional world of medicine.
Episode 1
My team and I decided that starting with Episode 1, we were going to dive straight into the heart of the issues with thyroid disease. I wanted to record The Thyroid Secret to show people that healing is possible. I want them to know that healing takes place on a day-to-day basis, that there are hundreds of people out there that want to help them and that they can get their health back.
Unfortunately, conventional medicine keeps misdiagnosing people and the ones who get on medicine often don’t feel any better.
So many people start experiencing these “random” symptoms, and they don’t realize it internally connects to your thyroid. The first episode of the series builds the foundation for the rest of the series because it helps you identify if you, or someone you love, are at risk.
A lot of times, people begin having mood surges due to their blood sugar levels spiking and then crashing. This is usually a big clue that something is amiss with your thyroid.
I’ll never forget Magdalena Wszelaki, HHC and Founder of Hormones Balance saying, “It wasn’t my character to be mean to people, so I knew there was something wrong.”
Thyroid patient and author, Stacey Robbins, shared with me what she felt like when she first started getting sick, “I started getting this crashing fatigue, where no matter how much I slept, I could not function. I was sick all the time with sinus infections; I was just this mess of a person, who was also gaining tons and tons of weight, like epic proportions.”
After setting the stage of what thyroid disease looks like, we dive straight into the conventional treatments and the misdiagnosis machine in Episode Two.
Episode 2
It’s heartbreaking, but many people are misdiagnosed with depression, anxiety, and even bipolar and schizophrenia when it’s really just the thyroid acting up. Usually, simple lifestyle changes can reverse this, but instead, they’re misdiagnosed and put on anti-psychotic medications!
Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, Ph.D., NY Times Best-Selling Author of The Paleo Approach, shared startling research with me, saying:
“We know now some really disturbing facts. For example, upwards of 80% of people diagnosed with bipolar disease may not actually be bipolar. They may have Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and when you treat them with thyroid hormone, the symptoms of bipolar disease can go away.”
–Dr. Sarah Ballantyne
And Trudy Scott, Certified Nutritionist and Author of The Antianxiety Food Solution, echoed those sentiments saying:
“It’s common knowledge that thyroid problems can cause depression. It’s less well-recognized that thyroid problems can actually contribute to anxiety.”
These wonderful people—I like to call them my Root Cause Rebels—these are people that are looking for the root causes of what’s led to their (or their patients’) health conditions. They’re not just trying to bandage up their health conditions with medications.
In fact, helping people overcome these mental health disorders fuels Dr. Hyla Cass’s passion.
During our interview, she shared, “That is why I want to do psychiatry, is to truly help people, to really make a difference, not just to write prescriptions to send them home and keep them at a status quo but to really enhance the quality of their lives. That’s what turns me on.”
We need to go against the grain to get our health back and to start moving towards wellness. Time and again, I meet patients who are stuck and have no idea there’s a way to get better. This episode is full of tools to help you on your health journey.
“I have Hashimoto’s, and I was diagnosed with it a year and a half ago. Trying to get my doctor to diagnose me with it was really hard because she looked at my TSH and said that ‘you’re normal.’ My hair is falling out, my skin is dry, I’m cold all the time, problems with constipation, memory fog, and to be told you’re normal was just… I didn’t feel normal.”
-Kimberly Laktas, Thyroid Patient
Episode 3
Being a pharmacist, Episode 3 was really important to me. Synthroid has been the number one prescribed medication in two out of the last three years, but it’s not necessarily the best medication for thyroid disease. It’s important that people understand that because it often feels like when a doctor prescribes something, it’s the law…but it’s not!
Conventional medical doctors really don’t pay attention to the underlying root cause of Hashimoto’s, which is an immune system imbalance. They just give people more and more thyroid hormone, which doesn’t stop the progression of the autoimmune condition and, in many cases, it doesn’t even address the symptoms.
When I interviewed Chris Kresser, MS, LAc, (Founder of Kresser Institute for Functional & Evolutionary Medicine, Creator of and Revolution Health Radio, NY Times Best Selling Author of The Paleo Cure), he shared:
“Most patients with hypothyroidism, and particularly people with Hashimoto’s, do much better with a natural desiccated thyroid that contains both T4 and much smaller amounts of T3, the more active form, because then their body doesn’t have to be solely responsible for doing that conversion.”
And Carter Black, RPh, Pharmacist and one of my advisors said, “That’s the trouble with Synthroid. Synthroid itself is a great drug, it’s a bio-identical form of T4, but as pharmacists, we understand that it’s T4. That’s an inactive drug until your body activates it.”
My interview with Dr. Elena Koles, MD, Ph.D., Integrative Physician really hit the nail on the head when she said, “When we try to fix such a problem with a pharmaceutical drug, for some people it’s okay. In most cases it’s just a symptom, a help, it’s not the cure. Actually, sometimes it’s not even a help.”
In this episode, we dissected what isn’t working and then revealed an innovative therapy that’s virtually side effect free and like the world’s best-kept secret!
I want people to know the reality of these medications and discover there are ways to get better through functional medicine, natural therapies, and addressing the triggers that can cause the disease…not just masking symptoms with a prescription.
Not all medication is bad—and sometimes it’s essential—but proper education of how to use it is critical. We share the top medical interventions that can really help you on your journey (we dive into thyroid hormones as well as innovative treatments like LDN, LLLT and many others), which sets us up for the next episode: toxins!
Episode 4
It’s no small secret that we live in a toxic world, but it might surprise you to hear that we come in contact with roughly 80,000 chemicals daily. That’s a pretty hefty number no matter how pretty you try to paint it!
Dr. Daniel Pompa, D PSc, International Health Expert, Speaker, and Author, shared with me, “Thyroid is the canary in the coal mine. It’s very sensitive to toxins, the thyroid itself.”
And it’s true. The thyroid soaks up toxins and then doesn’t let them go easily, which is why methylation is so critical.
I couldn’t agree with Michelle Corey more when she said:
“We are living in an increasingly toxic world, and our bodies were not designed to handle all of this stress—stress from a fast paced lifestyle, toxins that we ingest in food substitutes, foods that are supposed to be food but they’re really just junk.”
-Michelle Corey, CNWC, FMP, Functional Medical Practitioner and Advocate
Our bodies are practically in survival mode trying to dodge the chemical exposure we encounter. During this episode, we really get to the heart of why it’s so important to know what’s in your products. It’s never too early to start spring cleaning your personal care products and fill your home with natural choices.
“Any time you’re coming across anything that says fragrance, that says parfum, that says something along the lines of phthalate, P-H-T-H-A-L-A-T-E, then you have to know that you are increasing your estrogen content in your system.”
-Tom Malterre, MS, CN, CFMP, and Author of The Elimination Diet and Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner
I got to see the experts come so alive as they shared the sickening truth that our environment is on toxic overload. But we don’t leave you feeling hopeless! Instead, we share some easy strategies to implement in your home to reduce your toxic exposure.
My friend, Wendy Myers, FDN-P, CHHC, Founder of, said it best:
“100% people can get better.”
-Wendy Myers
Isn’t that a relief?! Wendy encourages you to do some testing, and find out what you need to address and then learn how to detox your body the right way so you can clear your pathways and get on the road to recovery. Often, this looks like making some lifestyle shifts in your diet… Que Episode 5 🙂
Episode 5
People will say that the gluten free diet or the paleo diet is really extreme, but I think it’s really extreme to feel horrible every single day. During Episode 5, we really focus on how healing often begins with food.
Debbie Steinbock, HHC, Holistic Health & Nutrition Counselor for Mindful Nutrition shared with me, “We can surmise that if they have an autoimmune disease, there’s something going on with their digestion.”
So where do you begin? During my own journey, I found that bone broth can be a tremendously healing food for people with thyroid disease. Often fatigue lifts, people experience more energy, and their brain fog goes away.
I also think the autoimmune paleo diet is really helpful for thyroid patients.
Mickey Trescott, NTP, and Best Selling Author of and Co-Author of The Autoimmune Wellness Handbook says, “I’ve had success stories of people feeling better almost immediately in a matter of days after adopting the autoimmune protocol, especially people with a lot of digestive issues or gut issues.”
But food is just one part of the healing road. We also need to take a look at stress and some best practices to manage (or even eliminate) it in our lives.
JJ Virgin, Suzy Cohen, Chris Kresser, and Dr. Peter Osborne (host of the upcoming Autoimmune Summit) are also interviewed and share their insights!
Episode 6
Stress often plays a large role in the 21st-century lifestyle. We know that everyday stress is a contributor, and we also know that traumatic stress (i.e., adverse childhood events) has links to autoimmune disease, fibromyalgia, and all these other kinds of conditions.
So what do you do about the rampant stress penetrating you on every side?
I love what Dr. Datis Kharrazian shared with me because it’s so relevant and true:
“If you’re not getting sleep, and you hate what you do, and you’re having problems in your relationship, it doesn’t matter how many supplements you take and how many foods you avoid, you’re going to have some serious triggers for autoimmunity.”
-Dr. Datis Kharrazian, DHSc, DC, MS, FACN, CNS, Clinician, Researcher for Autoimmune Disorders
Our ability to handle stress, to get the rest we need, and to prevent sickness all relates back to our adrenals. In episode 6, we share some practical ways to handle stress, to decompress, and find healthy ways to relieve stress because if we just hold it all in, our bodies will begin to implode. It might be slow for some, or it might be a crash for others.
Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo MS, DC, CCN, DACBN, Founder of the Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology, says, “We’re running around with “tigers” chasing us 24/7 because our modern day stressors, they’re not the physical stresses, but they’re the mental and emotional stresses, ‘How are we going to pay the bills? Where are we going to get the food? How am I going to have enough time?’ “
Thyroid patient, Vivek Mandan, found tremendous improvement when he started physically allowing himself to relax.
Dr. Michael Breus is a big proponent of giving your body time to rest and recuperate. He says:
“If you had to do one thing besides eat, it’s sleep. Sleep affects every organ system, every disease state. There is no known animal that has a nervous system that doesn’t have a period of inactivity and recovery. Everybody needs it.”
-Dr. Michael Breus, Ph.D., Diplomat – American Board of Sleep Medicine, Fellow – American Academy of Sleep Medicine, The Sleep Doctor™
If that’s not an excuse to get to bed early, I don’t know what is! 🙂
I also interview Adrenal Queen, Dr. Aviva Romm, author of the Thyroid Adrenal Revolution.
Episode 7
This is such a tender episode as we discuss infertility and miscarriage. As a newlywed, it was such a hard thing for me to hear that infertility and miscarriages were common occurrences. I felt defeated.
Maybe you’ve gone to the doctor, and they say nothing is wrong. Please don’t let somebody tell you that there’s nothing wrong when you feel it deep within your body that there is something wrong. Our bodies send us messages, and you’re doing the right thing by listening to it.
“It’s never not a tragedy, but the bigger tragedy is when a woman has gone through all this suffering and then she still doesn’t have that child, and she’s 45, 55, 65. We’ve even heard from women in their 70s that said, ‘No one ever said that my thyroid could have had an effect on my ability to conceive.’ ”
-Mary Shomon, NY Times Best Selling Author and Hormonal Health Advocate
(BTW, Mary has a new book: Your Healthy Pregnancy with Thyroid Disease.)
There is hope. You can do something about it. Listen to your body. Do your research and find a doctor or medical practitioner who will test you and work with you.
Moms impacted…I also have some news for those of you who are utterly EXHAUSTED! You may be suffering from thyroid disease…but there is a way to recover your energy.
Dr. Jolene Brighten, ND, CEO of Oakland Naturopathic Medicine and Author of Healing Your Body Naturally After Childbirth remembers, “It got bad that I wouldn’t even want to get out of bed the morning. I would lay in bed just feeling like a weight on my chest and feeling a sense of dread of like if I step out, it’s going to hurt. It’s going to hurt. I kept being met with the same diagnosis which is, ‘You’re a mom, of course, you’re tired, of course, this is what’s going on. This is totally normal.’ ”
Have you and your spouse ever looked around in bewilderment, wondering why you’re so tired, in a constant brain fog and just don’t feel good? Katie the Wellness Mama can definitely relate!
She shared in her interview, “I couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me. I didn’t understand it; he didn’t understand it either. There was an element of, why don’t you want to do this stuff? Why can’t you do this? Why are you so tired all the time?”
Not only can this episode help you, but it can shine a light so that your family better understands what you’re going through.
Kids Impacted…Expert Dr. Elena Koles, MD, Ph.D. reveals that women who have Hashimoto’s have an increased risk of having children with autism and developmental disabilities….
Dr. Erica Peirson, ND, Naturopathic Physician, shared that, “Every child with Down Syndrome experiences Hypothyroidism, all of them. Not just increased risk, not just some of them, and it starts, if not in utero, but certainly from day 1 of life.”
Dr. Peirson went on to say during our interview, “You can almost narrow it down to every single symptom of Down Syndrome, right down to the enlarged protruding tongue, delayed growth, delayed cognition or cognitive deficiency, dry skin, their bloated abdomen, their constipation, their low muscle tone, their shorter fingers, are all the symptoms of hypothyroidism.”
This episode is full of powerful, life-changing information for you and your family. A lot of these issues have solutions, and it’s time that we unite and discover the truth.
Episode 8
I didn’t realize that I had gut problems for a really long time until I personally went gluten free and dairy free. At that point, I was surprised that I wasn’t bloated anymore and that I didn’t have stomach aches on a daily basis.
The gut health and thyroid connection are huge. We have to nurture our environment in there. When I started taking a spore-based probiotic, I noticed I was happier and had more energy within a couple of days. I was really excited to interview two of my mentors…
Donna Gates, M Ed, ABAAHP, Creator of Body Ecology and International Best Selling Author of The Body Ecology Diet, shared with me “The gut plays a very important role in having a healthy thyroid. First of all, twenty percent of thyroid hormone is actually made in the gut.”
I remember when I hit a healing wall during my journey and then discovered I had four infections in my gut. I was so surprised and a little bit embarrassed! But this is actually quite normal for people with autoimmune thyroid conditions.
Dr. Daniel Kalish, DC, Founder of The Kalish Institute and Kalish Wellness confirms that saying, “See, you wouldn’t think there’d be even a remote connection, but when people have parasitic infections or any kind of infection in the digestive tract, it’s going to generate an inflammatory response.”
All of the triggers we discuss throughout the series have natural alternatives and complementary therapies you can start trying today to recover your health and feel better. I hope you’ll watch every episode and discover the truths we reveal.
Episode 9
When I think back seven years ago, I felt awful. Life seemed bleak.
But today, I feel alive. I feel light. I feel empowered. I feel like I can take on the world.
People told me that I would never be able to overcome Hashimoto’s…that there was nothing that I could change, but then I did it. I recovered my health.
The final episode of The Thyroid Secret is all about success!
We celebrate the journeys, the success stories, and I think you’ll finish it feeling empowered and ready to take on the world too!
I love how Dr. Alan Christianson put it:
“It’s a situation where people have to realize that it’s important to be their own advocates and to really realize that they often need to go outside of their common conventional relationships and become educated and become aware of what their needs can be and just think more outside the box.”
-Dr. Alan Christianson, NMD, Author, Naturopathic Medical Doctor
And Dr. Eric Osansky’s, (DC, MS, IFMCP, CCN, CNS, Clinical Nutritionist and Functional Medicine Practitioner) determination fueled his desire to get well: “I never knew anybody personally who had Graves’ disease, who did what I was planning on doing. It was scary. It was, like I said, a little bit puzzling. The why me. Again, it turned out to be a good thing in the end.”
Healing is possible. You can start living your best life today.
What started as a dream, is turning into a great big celebration of hope, healing, and truth revealed.
Now you can own your own copy of The Thyroid Secret! You’ll receive lifetime access to the entire 9 part video series, as well as easy-to-read digital transcriptions, and MP3 audio versions of each recording.
Take the first step in transforming your health and get your copy of The Thyroid Secret today!
Hello – so I purchased your thyroid secret series $62 Australian dollars. Unable to use or change my password no matter how many times I try. More frustrating than having hashimotos. Sent an email to the info@ site that sent my account details. No response . Please help me gain access to what I have paid for. Much appreciated!
Louise – thank you for your support, and we are sorry to hear that you are experiencing difficulties. The Thyroid Secret Customer Support team at is working hard to respond promptly, so you should hear back from them shortly. 🙂
I would like to know more about free T4 and free T3 in pregnancy.
My endo do not care about that I can’t convert T4-medication to free T3. The medication makes me more fatigued than before medication. The same does Erfa Thyroid. I feel better without medication and have stopped the medication even though I am 6 1/2 month pregnant.
They are – in my opinion – to focused on TSH. My free T4 and free T3 har very low in the normal area. I do have antibodies for graves and hashimotos but still in the normal area. My TSH is always elevated.
Sabrina – I highly recommend that you work with a functional medicine clinician. It’s an entire medical specialty dedicated to finding and treating underlying causes and prevention of serious chronic disease rather than disease symptoms.
I’ve watched every series of the the thyroid secret. The final one #9 wasn’t in my email this morning like the others. I was really looking forward to it. I cant even find the other links from the first 8. Help
Patty – thank you for your support, and we are sorry to hear that you are experiencing difficulties. If you could please write to, they will be happy to assist. 🙂
I’ve been watching the Thyroid Secret seminar series and purchased the silver edition. I read last evening that Dr Wentz will have Question and Answer episode and I have a question I am wondering about. When liver support protocol was mentioned a list of supplements was given including: milk thistle, Quercetin,Magnesium, N-Acetal-L-Cysteine, Curcumin, and methylation support blends. Is a person meant to utilize all of these or just select one type of supplement?
Thank you for this series. I have begun to incorporate some of the protocol already and believe it is beginning to help me overcome some of my issues. Thank You Very Much. Andrea
Andrea – thank you for your kind words and support. 🙂
Please, understand that due to liability issues, I am unable to answer specific medical questions. I highly recommend that you work with a functional medicine clinician. It’s a whole medical specialty dedicated to finding and treating underlying causes and prevention of serious chronic disease rather than disease symptoms.
I was watching the free 2 day preview on Facebook and it dropped off my iPad. Can I please get a link to watch the preview.
Rob – if you find that you’re having difficulty watching a video, please contact with details (such as which video you are trying to watch and what type of device you are using), and they’ll be happy to help.
Hello Dr. Wentz
I received your documentary last night from a sister in law who along with other family members are fighting to find help for my wife (kelly). I have found time to watch 3 episodes and find the information very interesting. My wife has been crippled by symptoms many of them talked about in the first couple episodes. I can relate to so much of what has been said. Kelly lacks energy, joy, motivation, and has been treated for depression for years. She recently had 7 ECT treatments. These treatments were stopped when they were not helping. We thought we were onto something with information on hyperparathyroidism but all tests showed normal markers. Our life has been turned upside down because she cannot do much of anything. I don’t know where to start. I feel as tho the medical system has certainly not helped at all. The bandaid fix has been going on for many years. she has been severe since 2013. Kelly is 55. Depression medication and treatment is not working so I want to look deeper into some of the things you have uncovered. Aside from the standard TSH. Is there a list of all the tests we should be requesting?
Kind regards
Sheldon – thank you for following this page. These are the recommended labs from my book, page 32. My heart goes out to you for all you’ve been going through.
TPO Antibodies
Thyroglobulin Antibodies
Free T4
Free T3
Reverse T3 (Optional)
Have you read my book, Hashimoto’s The Root Cause? Here’s the link in case you’re interested.

Thank you we appreciate all of the effort you have put into this. I am happy there are people like you in our world.
The link you left about lab results while on medication was not working. Would it be possible to check into that? I will come back later to retry.
Kind regards
Sheldon – thank you for letting us know that the posted link is not working. Here is an updated URL. 🙂
I enjoyed the past nine sessions, that you shared with us. I have been trying for the past 6 years, to stop the gas that pushed up on my lungs , caused by poor digestion. If you have any thoughts on how to address this , I would love to hear. I am working to clean my gut, With a Palo diet, and supplements. Working on my thyroid function , I have hypothyroid, and also hastimoto.
Diane – thank you for your support and kind words. 🙂
Please, understand that due to liability issues, I am unable to answer specific medical questions.
I highly recommend that you work with a functional medicine clinician. It’s a whole medical specialty dedicated to finding and treating underlying causes and prevention of serious chronic disease rather than disease symptoms.
I’ve just subscribed to watch your series, and I see that you speak mostly about hypothyroidism. Is there any advice for hyperthyroidism?
Thank you and your team, you must have worked a lot to create this series 🙂
Nicole – thank you for following this page and for your support. 🙂
Graves and Hashimoto’s are both autoimmune conditions that affect the thyroid. They are thought to be closely related. Sometimes one turns into the other. The difference is the site of the antibody attack. In Hashimoto’s, the antibodies are found to thyroglobulin (in 80%) and thyroid peroxidase (TPO) enzyme (in 95% of people)-Hashimoto’s results in hypothyroidism and is usually treated with Synthroid and replacement hormone.
The same antibodies may be present in a smaller percentage of people who have Graves, but the main antibody is to the TSH Receptor (TSHR-Ab). Usually, people with Graves have hyperthyroidism, and they are treated conventionally with thyroid suppressing drugs (methimazole) or radioactive iodine to destroy the thyroid. At that point, the thyroid will no longer produce hormones on its own, and these people end up on Synthroid as well.
Most thyroid conditions result from the immune system attacking the thyroid because the immune system is out of balance. Even when the thyroid is taken out surgically or treated with radioactive iodine the autoimmunity still persists in most cases. Many people will have their thyroids removed, and will develop new autoimmune disorders such as Lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis, etc. The immune system just finds a different target.
We need to rebalance the immune system to prevent this (sometimes the autoimmunity can be reversed as well! The gut determines your immune system. With the exception of discussing proper thyroid medication dosing, the majority of my website and my book focuses on balancing the immune system. The info I present is based on my own research and journey for overcoming my autoimmune thyroid condition.
Hashimoto’s Root Cause
Hashimoto’s Protocol
I ordered the DVD serious but have heard nothing. My bank was charged on Jan 23. Would you be able to tell me when it will be sent?
Suzanne – thank you for your support, and we are sorry to hear that you are experiencing difficulties. Pease, contact and they will be happy to assist. 🙂
There is no offer to purchase The Thyroid Secret in any communication I am seeing. Not the usual pattern for these summits. Is there a reason for this?
Thank you.
Bobbie – Thank you for your support. <3 You can purchase The Thyroid Secret at this link Should you have further questions, please feel free to contact and they’ll be happy to answer your questions. 🙂
how can I watch Thyroid Secret?
Donna – Thank you for your support. Without you, we wouldn’t be able to continue with our mission of education and outreach to the millions of people who suffer from Hashimoto’s. You can purchase at this link here Please, feel free to contact with any additional questions or concerns.
I signed up (several times) for the free seminar series but don’t seem to be able to access the lectures at all! I got a tonne of emails through Dr Datis Kharrazian reminding me to sign up, but no follow up to link me into the actual series. Can you help please? I’ve already missed two days.
Thank you
Alison – thank you for your support. Pease, contact and they will be happy to assist. 🙂
Your 2-week diet includes relatively high-glycemic foods (apples are higher than berries), goitrogens, and shellfish. If someone is already avoiding these foods, would they be better served to add them or to follow a stricter regimen such as the Kharrazian protocol?
Karen – thank you for following this page.
Here are a few articles related to diet that hopefully help you get started.
Hi Izabella, do you have the recommended minimum and maximum ranges for Hashimoto’s lab tests?
thank you
Mike – Thank you for following this page. Most people feel best with a TSH around 1 or lower and with a Free T4 and Free T3 in the upper half of the range. It is expected that your TSH will be very suppressed when optimal on NDT medication.
These are the recommended labs from my book, page 32.
TPO Antibodies
Thyroglobulin Antibodies
Free T4
Free T3
Reverse T3 (Optional)
Have you read my book, Hashimoto’s The Root Cause? Here’s the link in case you’re interested.
Dear Dr. Wentz,
I’m very thankful to you for the Thyroid Secret, which led to my finding a functional medicine clinician and being diagnosed with Hashimoto’s just a few days ago after suffering from so many of the typical symptoms associated with this autoimmune disease for about 40 years! But I also have insomnia and extreme weight loss, which are typically associated with Graves’ disease, and I’ve tried to find information on line about this no avail. Have you ever heard of this happening?
Thanks you!
Jean – thank you for your kind words and for following this page.
It is wonderful to hear that you found a Functional Medicine Clinician. 🙂
Please, understand that due to liability issues, I am unable to answer specific medical questions.
Graves and Hashimoto’s are both autoimmune conditions that affect the thyroid. They are thought to be closely related. Sometimes one turns into the other. The difference is the site of the antibody attack. In Hashimoto’s, the antibodies are found to thyroglobulin (in 80%) and thyroid peroxidase (TPO) enzyme (in 95% of people)-Hashimoto’s results in hypothyroidism and is usually treated with Synthroid and replacement hormone.
The same antibodies may be present in a smaller percentage of people who have Graves, but the main antibody is to the TSH Receptor (TSHR-Ab). Usually, people with Graves have hyperthyroidism, and they are treated conventionally with thyroid suppressing drugs (methimazole) or radioactive iodine to destroy the thyroid. At that point, the thyroid will no longer produce hormones on its own, and these people end up on Synthroid as well.
Most thyroid conditions result from the immune system attacking the thyroid because the immune system is out of balance. Even when the thyroid is taken out surgically or treated with radioactive iodine the autoimmunity still persists in most cases. Many people will have their thyroids removed, and will develop new autoimmune disorders such as Lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis, etc. The immune system just finds a different target.
We need to rebalance the immune system to prevent this (sometimes the autoimmunity can be reversed as well! The gut determines your immune system. With the exception of discussing proper thyroid medication dosing, the majority of my website and my book focuses on balancing the immune system. The info I present is based on my own research and journey for overcoming my autoimmune thyroid condition.
Hashimoto’s Root Cause
Hashimoto’s Protocol
I was wondering if you could give me any suggestions for someone to reach out to in Los Angeles or Surrounding areas?
Much gratitude!
Rachel – thank you for following this page.
You may wish to check out the doctors that other patients recommend on this list:
I watched episode 6 when it was broadcast for free and part way into it was a perfect description of my daughter’s behavior. I purchased the series after episode 6 had expired and when I tried to find the description, I could not. Is the episode for free the exact, identical episode for purchase? It was maybe 1/2 to 2/3 into the episode and it described a person that had to be in control of everything all the time. Always checking on were everyone was at. Can you help me out with this? thanks
Jackie – thank you for your support, and I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing difficulties. Pease, contact and they will be happy to assist. 🙂
Hi, I watched the Thyroid Secret while in Mexico for the winter, looking forward to trying some of your suggestions when I returned to Canada in the spring. However, after 28 years of being hypo, in the last few weeks I believe I have flipped over into hyperthyroidism! I have a doctor’s appointment next week to confirm, but looking for some help to sleep until then.
I also have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, gut issues (mostly under control) and am prone to depression, anxiety and panic. I have weaned myself off all meds, but .25 of Synthroid which I should be done with this week. But my sleep continues to deteriorate, and I’m lucky if I get 3 hours straight. For anyone that would be difficult, but with having Fibro and CFS, this is nowhere near sufficient and the lack of sleep is increasing all my other symptoms.
While my GP is open to me trying alternative therapies, he isn’t too knowledgeable about them so am not looking to him for a solution, just confirmation that I am now hyper vs hypo. It seems that hyper is much less common than hypo, and your series does not address it in depth. I’m looking for a credible source to learn about alternative/natural routes to try. Functional and integrative doctors are not in my area, and being on disability I couldn’t afford one anyway. Do you have any recommendations for someone like yourself, but more focused on hyperthyroidism/Graves? Or is that an area you are planning to discuss in another series? Any help would be much appreciated, especially for sleep as this has been going on for almost 4 months and I’m pretty desperate. I do use essential oils, but they aren’t the best quality. I’m slowly trying to replace them with higher quality ones, but again, finances are very limiting.
Thank you so much for any help you can give me!
Heather – thank you for following this page. My heart goes out to you. <3
Please, understand that due to liability issues, I am unable to answer specific medical questions.
When I was first diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, I felt so alone. My doctor didn’t think it was a big deal, and none of my friends or co-workers had it. It wasn’t until I started to research online that I found others who were going through the same thing.
A couple of years after my diagnosis, I found Hashimoto’s 411, a closed Facebook group run by Alice Berry McDonnell. This group is amazing! It is comprised of an army of highly motivated, smart, supportive women and men (now 45,000+ strong), and each of them sharing ideas of what worked for them, things they were planning to try, and offering support to one another. The comfort I received from knowing that there were others going through the same challenges as I, was enormous.
Ask questions. Post your thoughts. Scan the files. It is an absolutely amazing resource. Best of all it’s kept private from spammers.
On the Thyroid Secret you had a discussion with a male doctor/pharmacist/nutritionist about a drug/supplement that they were finding great success with. You discussed it for a few minutes and I wrote it down, but I cant find it. In this list of names I’ve narrowed it down to Dr. Datis Kharrazian, or Carter Black (although I don’t think it was that early in the episodes) or possibly someone not mentioned here. He was a middle aged man with dark hair, a bit heavy set, I think he wore a white coat and sat on the left (in the image) of you in a couch/living room type setting.
Can you tell me who that person was, and what the drug/supplement was?
Tamian – thank you for following this page.
Could you please send an email to, my team is standing by to answer your questions. 🙂
Will do. Thanks.
Can u tell me what is the supplement that is helping for your thyroid the thyroid secret I have hypothyroidism
Linda – thank you for following this page. Not everyone will need every single supplement! In fact, I believe that most nutrients should come from the diet. This is why I always list food sources in the book and on the blog, for most of the nutrients, vitamins, minerals and probiotics that are depleted in Hashimoto’s. However, some may require/prefer supplements and the supplements on the website are a resource for those that do. I recommend getting tested for deficiencies to determine your need for a supplement as instructed in the book and blog. I also don’t recommend starting multiple supplements all at once. I recommend starting one at a time, and then adding another a week or so later once it has been confirmed that the first supplement is not causing any harm.
I do have a full supplements chapter in my book. Have you checked it out? Not everyone should be taking every supplement and the book will help uncover your root cause. This will help you figure out your supplementation.
Hashimoto’s Root Cause
Hashimoto’s Protocol